Can Justin teach me anything?
Definitely a good questions. Well…I’m learning everyday and I’m just going off what my mentors have taught me and from my experience. Both have been exceptional and on-going.
Once you booked your beginning mentorship package and payment is received, it’s time to really get to know you. Be ready, we have a lot of questions for you.
Our find out questionnaire is crafted to help us learn more about “You.” It’ll questions to really dig where you’re at and where your want to be.
Our phone consultation will be to go over where you’re at now and where you want to be.
Based on the topics you want to cover, we’ll go over those specific areas to maximize your time.
During our mentorship meeting the focus will be you. We’re going to cover all the topics you were interested in with the intent to under promise and over deliver your experience. We want you to learn, grow and succeed.
We want to hear all about your successes and how we might have been a small part in your success.
“Over the past 3 years Justin Gibby taught me more than just the art of “film making”. Justin taught me how to give the customer the best experience possible, how to handle the tensest situation in a calm, collected manner and how to be an overall sustainable creative. Justin is known for his honest and hardworking professionalism, I’ve never met someone so equipped in handling the wants and needs of their clients and crew members. Justin has a sharp eye behind the lens and the ability to see the future of his projects with clear vision. What I lacked before meeting Justin was the ability to instill confidence in my clients. After 3 years of shooting with Justin I’ve grown to be confident, straightforward and transparent in my approach to clients. Justin gave me more than tips, pointers and insights; he gave me an opportunity. I believe the right opportunities are cultivated by hard work and dedication. Short-cuts and easy-way- outs are no good for Justin, you must be willing to work hard and when its all over you’ll be glad you did.”